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Do you use EspanaSILK products?  If so... please write a testimonial for us to use on the page here!


Photos are awesome too!

"Ok lady, I'm in love, thinking even making this my official "go to" shampoo for all... thinking of using only Espana products in the grooming area. Along with my personal use!" -Amber in Rice, MN



"Love EspanaSilk. Not only on my dogs, but for ME. I have a problem with very dry, cracked heels. The cracks are so bad, I can hardly walk. I used Espana Antiseptic Spray and they are completely healed. It did take a couple of days, but the product is amazing."  -Donna in Waterville, MN



"Oh gosh I love it!  I've been meaning to take pictures and send it to you.  I love the subtle clean smell that sticks with the dogs. Not to mention how much more the coats shine.  I started it on Mia, and I just had to clean everyone else!"  EspanaSILK Waterless Shampoo  -Amber in Rice, MN



"Love love love this, I have a couple of troubled skin issues that were totally alleviated in less then 12 hours after trying the product... I can not wait to try it on my dogs"  -Marcy in St Cloud, MN



"I am REALLY glad you introduced me to Trudy and Espana products! I use them for my dogs and for myself and I hope I never have to go without them from hereon out.  Living in Minnesota, where my little low-to-the-ground puggle gets so dirty every time he steps outside when there's any moisture on the ground, I don't even let him on my rugs until he's been cleaned thoroughly on his paws, legs, belly, etc. and the Espana Waterless Shampoo and a towel make cleaning him up a snap! So that is my current favorite Espana product, along with the Detangler...

Since I shower at night, I use the Espana Detangler on my own hair every morning to freshen it up, and make it clean, soft and pretty all day. I will never stop using this product, so please Trudy - never stop making it!!

The Topical Spray is another of my and my pups' best friends. We use it for any skin condition that comes up (including any acne and eczema I get on my face/hands), and it's almost what I would call a miracle product.

The Wellness Conditioner is not only a friend to my hair and scalp, but it has become my daily lightweight facial lotion, in place of (maybe I can't say brand names here?) the "O" of "O" I used for years.

I use almost every product in this line and I recommend it highly to everyone for themselves as well as their pets!! Thank you, Trudy, for a high quality line of products at an affordable price, and EXCELLENT customer service!!"

-Angela in St Louis Park, MN



"The antiseptic conditioner works GREAT on horses with itchy dry winter skin!"  -Brenda in Watkins, MN



"I took my Espana shampoo and conditioner to my groomer when I took my 3 Cresties in last time and the groomer was impressed! I need to order more!"   -Karen in, Lakeville, MN



"I use the Antiseptic Spray on foster animals that come into my home with all sorts of issues.  Some have pressure sores from being in kennels 24/7.  I also use the Shampoo to freshen them up from the urine smell they come in with as well.  I have also used the Antiseptic spray on myself and my kids for everyday scrapes.  And with the Minnesota dry winters, these products are great moisturizers for the animals and humans skin.  I can not say enough about these awesome products."  -Kathryn in Minneapolis, MN


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